Broken Trust Read online

Page 10

  Her heart pitter-pattered. Chryssie almost believed him. “Then take me to a bus station so I can get away from these maniacs before they kill me.”

  “That’s not what a butterfly does. A butterfly doesn’t run away, they soar above the trouble.”

  “I’m not a butterfly and never will be. I just don’t want to die yet.” Her eyes filled with tears.

  “Then why did you call Annie?”

  “What makes you think I did?” How’d he know Annie was at her place?

  “Because you’re a butterfly, Chryssie. Even if you don’t know it yet.”

  “I need to fly far away from here. Now, I’ll be charged with another murder.” Her words came out in sobs. “That detective is dead on my living room floor. Pretty sure that won’t make things any better for me.”

  “She’s not dead.”

  “Of course, she is. He shot her.” Chryssie closed her eyes at the memory of Annie Dargols on the floor with blood everywhere. “It wasn’t me. I didn’t do it.”

  “Are you listening to me? She’s not dead.”

  “How do you know that?” Hope filled her.

  “I was at your apartment when Roman dragged you into your car. But I’d seen Annie go in a few minutes before that. I went in and found her. She was hurt but still breathing so I called for an ambulance.”

  “She’s not dead? She wasn’t moving when he made me leave.” Tears dripped down her cheeks.

  “Still alive when the ambulance left.”

  “How’d you find me?”

  Instead of answering, he slowed and got on another highway.

  “Why are you helping me? Marv’s not—”

  “I don’t think Marv has any idea what Roman was planning to do. I was told to watch you, so I am.”

  “They’ll kill me now. They have to. It’s the only thing that makes sense. Roman planned to frame me for shooting Annie Dargols.”

  “Not on my watch, Chryssie. Trust me.”

  Trust? She’d never been able to trust anyone in her life but her grandmother. Not her mother, not her boyfriends, not even herself. It seemed as if she always managed to make the wrong choice.

  She was learning to trust God, but that didn’t mean she could trust Zack even though he’d protected her from Roman. “Forget it. I’m tired of talking about it. Where are you taking me?” She asked as he exited the highway.

  “To the safest place I know. My mom’s house.”

  “You have a mom?”

  “Yes, even men with ponytails and tattoos have mothers.” He chuckled.

  “I didn’t mean it like that. I just never thought of you as having one.”

  They zig-zagged their way through back roads.

  “Why are you helping me?”

  He put a hand on her arm. “Because I care about you.”

  “Then take me to a bus station so I can get far away from here. It’s the only way they won’t find me and kill me.”

  “Helping you run away isn’t the best option. I’ll explain why later. But for right now, why’d you confess to shooting Lonnie Davis?”

  “What makes you think I didn’t?”

  “Remember, I heard the conversation you had with Roman in your apartment and—”

  “Speaking of that, how did you get in my apartment?”

  “I took an impression of your key while you were getting me something to drink. Had it made as soon as I left your apartment.”

  “Aren’t you the clever one? Why?”

  “Just in case.”

  “In case what?”

  “In case you needed me. Which you did. It was a good thing I was there.”

  “I suppose.”

  “Anyway, I know Roman shot Lonnie. So explain to me why you’re saying you did it.”

  “Marv made me.”

  “That’s what I thought.” He nodded. “Why?”

  A moment of truth for her. For them. A moment when she could do the right thing the first time. He’d told her he cared about her. It was time to trust someone—time to speak out. If she died, she wanted someone to know the real reason. “Because of Gabriella.”

  “Gabriella? Your sister? What does she have to do with any of this?”

  “Marv told me he’d have her killed if I didn’t confess. So I confessed.” She swiped at the tears.

  “What would make you believe he could hurt Gabriella?”

  “He told me things about her and about me. Things he couldn’t know unless he was somehow in contact with her. I know it doesn’t make sense. I tried to see her, but the social worker refused. I think she’s in on it.”

  “Don’t worry. Gabriella will be fine.”

  “You can’t promise that.”

  “You’re right, I can’t. But I can promise that I’ll do everything in my power to make sure she doesn’t come to harm.” He clasped her hand.

  She didn’t pull away.

  “Tell me what happened.”

  “I was walking to my car after work that night. I heard someone arguing in the alley. As I went further I could see Roman was pointing the gun at Lonnie. I thought they were just arguing, and I was afraid they’d see me, so I hid behind a dumpster. A moment later, I heard the shots. Unfortunately, Roman found me. And the rest is history.”

  “Why didn’t you call the police?”

  “I think I really was in shock. I certainly wasn’t thinking straight. I prioritized it—I’d take the final, and then go to the police. It made sense at the time.”

  “Well, we’ll get this whole thing straightened out. Everything will be fine.”

  “That’s what the preacher told me. Trust God and let Him do the rest.”

  “The preacher?” He glanced her way. “Do tell.”

  “It sounds crazy, but when I was tied up in that basement, I cried out to God to help me. And He did. I was so confused by it I went to talk with a preacher.”

  “Wow. That’s wonderful.”

  “Wonderful.” Her voice was bitter. “How would you know? You lied to me about everything, including being a Christian.”

  “I didn’t lie about that.”

  “Then why are you working for Marv?”

  “It’s complicated. I’ll explain everything when the time is right.”

  “What’s wrong with now?”

  “You’ll just have to trust me a little longer. But I really am a Christian.”

  “Fine, then tell me about how Jesus saved your life.”

  “One day I was skydiving and—”

  “Skydiving? Are you nuts? Who in their right mind wants to jump out of airplanes—and for fun?”

  He laughed. “Yeah, it is a little crazy I admit, but there’s nothing like floating around in the sky. I loved it. Still do. Anyway, I was skydiving and my parachute failed to open and then my backup failed as well. The ground was zooming up at me and I figured that I was a goner. But my chute got tangled up on something so I didn’t actually hit the ground. I still had a few injuries but I lived to tell about it.”

  “I don’t see what that has to do with Jesus.”

  He turned toward her. Even in the dark, she could see he was smiling.

  “Well…what I got tangled up in was a giant cross. So you see Jesus literally saved my life. I decided right then and there to follow Him.”

  “Then why are you mixed up with Marv?”

  “Out of time. I’ll explain everything very soon.” He pulled into a long drive.

  “Your mom lives here?”

  “Yeah, and me, sometimes.”

  “You’re a country boy?” She couldn’t keep the surprise out of her voice.

  “What? I don’t seem the type to enjoy life in the country?”

  “Well, it’s just that you don’t look as if you fit in around here. I’m just a little surprised.”

  “I’ve got a few more surprises.” He stopped his car in front of the garage. “But they’ll have to wait. I’ll check things out, then I’ll come back…”

  He stopped talking. She look
ed over at him. “What’s wrong?”

  He looked around, and then he pulled out his cell phone and texted someone. When he was finished, he looked at her. “The garage door’s down.”

  “And so?”

  “My mom never puts it down. It’s been broken for the past six months, and I haven’t gotten around to fixing it yet, so she just leaves it up.” He opened his car door. “I’ll have a look around. Promise me you’ll stay in the car.”

  “Of course.”

  He patted her hand then got out.

  Zack had rescued her and then told her he cared about her. Now they were at his mother’s house. He seemed to have his own secrets.

  He peeked in the garage and then moved toward the house. When he disappeared, Chryssie’s fingers tapped against the dashboard while her feet tapped the floor. She should have gone with him. It would have been better than sitting in the dark and all alone. Everything terrified her right now. She counted to sixty and then sixty more. Something might have happened—she should go check on him. But he’d made her promise not to get out of the car.

  Her car door opened.

  “Oh, I’m so glad you’re back, Zack.”

  “Not Zack.”


  Zack walked to a window at the side of the house. Dark, just as it was supposed to be. His mother was on vacation with his sister.

  Unlike most people, Mom didn’t worry about burglars coming while she was on vacation. The woman was way too trusting. He’d tried to tell her that the world was a different place now, but she’d just shrug and say it was only stuff. She’d always been right, but something sure felt wrong now. This was his home away from home when he got tired of living in a big city. Marv knew nothing about this place since it was in his mother’s name. He hoped so, anyway. Perhaps someone else had broken in. It wasn’t likely they were still around, but he would make sure before he brought Chryssie in.

  It was time for her to feel safe again and to know someone was at her side. He’d tell her the whole truth soon. He hoped her reaction would be positive. He was doing a lot of hoping, lately. The ghostly green light on his watch showed only five minutes had passed since he’d sent the text.

  Chryssie was probably terrified sitting in the car alone. Thank You, God, for letting me find her. When she’d been dragged out to her car by Roman, he’d fought the urge to immediately follow. He’d kept watch on Chryssie’s apartment and when Roman came out with Chryssie, but not Annie, he had to check it out. Now, Annie was in good hands and alive. He could only pray that was still true.

  He’d put a GPS tracker on Chryssie’s car. Too much was happening and he’d needed to keep tabs on too many things. He’d gotten permission to do it, but she’d probably not be happy when she found out. It was the price she’d have to pay for making him fall in love with her.

  Moving to the kitchen window, nothing seemed out of the ordinary. And yet his gut was saying something was wrong. Zack knew it was God’s way of communicating with him and keeping him and others safe. He’d find another safe place to take Chryssie—a motel somewhere.

  Then he’d tell her the truth.


  “I’m getting really tired of this game of tag. So…” Roman grabbed her arm. “Tag, you’re it. Game over.” He lifted Chryssie out of the car with one arm. “Don’t even think about screaming.” His other hand came up with a gun—aimed at Chryssie’s face.

  Too shocked to fight back, she simply stumbled along as he dragged her toward Zack’s mother’s house. Or maybe it wasn’t her house at all. How stupid could she be? Zack had played her once again. His declarations of caring about her meant just as much as saying he was a Christian. It had all been a trick to get her in the car.

  Her stupidity wouldn’t change the outcome in any way. Even if she hadn’t believed him, she still would have ended up here. Between Roman and Zack, they wouldn’t have had a problem with forcing her to go with them.

  She took a deep breath. Jesus, help me. A sense of calm poured over her. Her mind cleared. In that instant, she knew Zack wasn’t one of the bad guys. She had to let him know Roman was here. He needed to keep his mother safe.

  God, I don’t know much about You or how things work. But I know You love me. And I trust you. Whatever happens, I love You…and Zack.

  Chryssie screamed Zack’s name as loud as she could.

  “I’ve had it with you.” Roman’s hand moved up and punched her in the face.

  She fell to the ground.

  “Get up.”

  She glared at him, holding her throbbing cheek. “No.”

  “I’m not playing around with you.” He aimed the gun at her. “Get up or die. Pick one.”

  “No.” She squeezed her eyes shut.

  He kicked her in the side. The pain ricocheted through her body like fire. She cried out, gasping for air as tears poured down her face.

  “Get up, I said.”

  She didn’t move.

  A car pulled up. Reinforcements. For Roman or for Zack?

  Zack was on her side. He’d told her so and she believed him.

  She curled into a fetal position. It was all up to God. A moment later hands grabbed her and pulled her up. She opened her streaming eyes to a blurry Stan. She mumbled, “This is getting to be quite the party.”

  “And all in your honor, princess. Let’s get this over with,” Stan snarled. He glanced at Roman. “Where’s Zack?”

  “Not sure.”

  “He left her alone in the car?”

  “Seems so.”

  “That wasn’t a very smart thing to do.”

  “I guess he convinced her that he wouldn’t hurt her.” Stan smiled. “Pretty stupid, huh? Just because the two of you went out on a few dates, you think he’ll cross Marv for you.” He grabbed her by the hair and dragged her along. “’Course you can’t blame him. She is a pretty little thing.”

  “She’s a pain,” Roman said.

  They were at the back door and still no Zack.

  Chryssie refused to believe Zack was with them.

  Stan shoved her into Roman’s arms and approached the front door

  The knob turned and the door opened.

  “What are you two doing here?” Zack asked.

  “I could ask you the same question.” Roman snarled. “Trying to hide from us? Is that what you’re doing?”

  “Doing what Marv told me to do. Keeping an eye on her. I followed the two of you when you left her house and much to my surprise I found her walking on the road. You let her get away.”

  “Yeah, well, your job is over.” Roman’s fingers pressed hard into the flesh of her arm. “I’ll take it from here.”

  “You’re not my boss. I don’t take orders from you. Marv told me to watch her. He didn’t say a thing about letting you kill her. So it’s not happening until I hear from Marv.”

  Roman’s face turned red. “You’ll take this order from me or live to regret it. Or die, just like her.”

  “Nobody’s dying here.” Zack met Chryssie’s gaze, a warm reassurance in his expression.

  “I think you’re wrong about that.” Roman laughed without humor. “I know she’ll die, but not so sure about you. You’re either with us or against us. We’ll see how that plays out.”

  “Not likely. How’d you find me?”

  “The boss didn’t trust you.” Stan spoke up. “Had me put a GPS on your car. Good thing. Looks like you two were getting a bit too chummy.”

  Zack looked at Roman. “Marv told you to stand down. He had the situation under control. And now it’s out of control. Shooting a cop? What were you thinking?”

  “It’s all under control. Glitter will be blamed for the whole thing. She’ll feel so bad about what she did that she’ll kill herself. It was just too much for her to handle. And then it will all be over. I was taking her to the lake so she could do just that. The brat escaped but lucky for me you found her. Once, I called Marv, he saw it my way.”

  “You talked to Marv?”

bsp; He nodded. “So now—”

  “I need to hear it from Marv, not from you.” Zack stepped closer to Roman.

  “Like I said, I’ll just take care of the problem right now.” He lifted the gun.

  “Don’t be stupid.” Zack stepped closer. “If the cop lives, it won’t take care of anything.”

  “She was dead when I left the apartment. Or would have been in moments. How do you even know about it?”

  “I was there. Watching her. Remember, that’s my job, not yours. I saw the cop put into an ambulance. She didn’t look dead to me.”

  “You called an ambulance for her?”

  “Someone in the apartment probably heard the gunshot. How do I know what happened?”

  This whole thing was crazy. Zack seemed to be keeping Chryssie from getting killed by pretending he was with them. If Roman would just let go of her for a moment…

  “You’re lying.” She twisted her arm, but he held on tight. “Marv told me he wouldn’t hurt me.”

  “What can I say? Blood’s thicker than water.”

  “Nothing’s happening here until I hear it from Marv.” Zack moved closer to Roman. “And I have a feeling Marv won’t be happy with you at all. He had the whole thing fixed, and you messed it all up.”

  “It doesn’t matter. We’re family. And I’m killing her to take care of the problem. I’ll deal with Marv later.”

  “So you haven’t talked to him.”

  Roman glared at Zack. “Not your problem.”

  “It is my problem. I’m supposed to be watching her. And I’m pretty sure that includes not letting someone kill her.”

  “Marv won’t care.”

  “Well, when Marv tells me that, I’ll listen.” Zack moved closer to Chryssie. In one quick movement, he shoved Roman in the chest at the same time he gave a very slight nod to her.

  Roman let go of her as he charged at Zack.

  Stan’s arm reached out to grab her.


  Roman’s fist connected with Zack’s jaw.

  Chryssie was running, just as Zack had hoped she would.

  Stan ran after her.

  Please, God, let her be faster than Stan. He punched Roman in the stomach, but the man came back with another punch to his face. More grappling and punches. When he thought enough time had passed for Chryssie to get away from Stan, Zack gasped out, “This ain’t going to solve anything, Roman. She’s getting away.”